A - For paper Submission and Publication in Allafricaconf:
- All Papers should be original -- not be published in any manner before and after the conference.
- All Authors and Co-authors should write their correct affiliation next to their name in the paper.
- The Organizing Committee may not accept the papers submitted after the last date of registration.
- Each paper submitted for the conference is accepted after review.
- We do not publish the author's or co-author's emails or phone numbers online.
- Allafricaconf can not add, modify or delete any author’s or co-author’s name inside the paper after the registration of the paper without the permission of all authors and co-authors present inside the paper.
- Allafricaconf is not responsible for identifying the original author or co-author of the paper. The person who submits the paper will be taken as the original author of the paper.
- If Allafricaconf receives a complaint about the originality of a paper and if the complaint is found to be credible, the paper will be removed from publication by Allafricaconf.
- In case a participant who has registered for physical conference is not able to obtain a visa, the participant may convert to a virtual conference and the difference in registration fee between the virtual and physical conference will be refunded. The fee difference will be refunded only if the participant notifies Allafricaconf 3 days before the conference is to start.
B - Attending Conferences -- Physical/Online Conferences:
- All participants must register before coming to the conference by paying the specified amount mentioned at the registration form on
- There may be a venue and date change at any time before the conference. If the organizing Committee decides to change the venue and date of the event, all registered participants will bet informed of the changes via the allafricaconf Website and via mail and or the number given during registration.
- Participants are expected to bring an official ID (passport, national ID) while attending the Conference.
- Allafricaconf reserves the right to publish the conference papers and images on any platform at any time.
- Allafricaconf will not be responsible for any refund of the ticket or any kind of money loss to the participants if the conference gets cancel or re-scheduled to another place or date. However, the registration amount will be refunded.
- Approved refunds will be done in the same manner as received from the author/participant and exhibitor. The online or offline (bank deposit) refund process takes a minimum of 10 to 15 working days and it may take several weeks to reflect in your bank account. Allafricaconf will give the concerned party for the refund, the transaction ID, date of transaction and amount refunded. The refund process transaction/bank charges will be the responsibility of the author/participant and exhibitor.
- Allafricaconf will process refunds using the registration details (email, bank account, phone) given by the concerned party at time of registration.
D - Plagiarism policy
The plagiarism policy ensures authors give due credit to other authors while referencing and it protects the academic integrity of the research community.Featured Events
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